Saturday, September 14, 2019
Microbiology Chapter 1 Study Guide
Chapter 1 Notes * Robert Hooke * Discovered Cellulae (Cells) * Formed Basis of Cell Theory * 1. Cell basic unit of life * 2. All living organisms are made of cells * 3. Must have living cells to make more cells * Anton Von Leeuwenhoek * Father microbiology & microscopy * Discovered microorganisms (animalcules) * Disproved microorganisms were heaven sent * Put clean bowl out during rainstorm & no microorganism * Let sit * Days later microorganisms formed from air * Ferdinand Cohn Discovered endospores (enable some bacteria to survive adverse environmental conditions) * Why growth occurred in experiments that disproved/proved SG * Louis Pasteur * Definitive experiment that disproved SG * Fermentation * Pasteurization: heat liquid to temp. that kills the most heat resistant pathogen but NOT all (milk) * Vaccination against Rabies (Rhabdovirus), anthrax (bacillusanthracis), Chicken Cholera (bacterium) * Silkworm industry * Disease (protozoan) was killing silk moths * Developed a method t o detect diseased moths and separate * Lady Mary Montagu * Wife British Ambassador to Turkey * Developed Smallpox Observed Turkish women engrafting * Spread mild small pox to other by injecting into their veins * Patient would then be immune to smallpox * Reject because she was woman & not doctor/scientist * Carl Linnaeus * Developed science of taxonomy * Scientific Nomenclature * Binomial nomenclature * Process of giving all organisms 2 scientific names * Genus species * Edward Jenner * Discovered process of vaccination * Worked with cowpox & milkmaids * Milk cowpox scrap pustal scratch skin w/ needle develop mild cowpox immune to smallpox * John Snow * First epidemiologist Traced Cholera epidemic to common H2O pump that was contaminated * Ignaz Semmelweis * Puerperal Fever (child bed fever) major cause of mortality to mothers and infants * Death in midwife ward = low ; death in doctor/med student ward = high * Doctors/med students contact w/ cadavers that previously died from dise ase * Spread disease to living mothers * Required hand washing with chlorite of lime * Joseph Lister * Concerned with incidence of infection and mortality from surgery * Aseptic Surgery = used carbolic acid (phenol) on incision site, instruments, and bandages * John Tyndall Boiling was not sufficient to sterilize broths and agar * Tyndallization Process: * Liquid is heated to boiling (100Â °C) allowed to sit and cool for 24hours * Liquid is reheated to boiling (100Â °C) and then allow to cool and sit for another 24 hours * Repeat * Robert Koch * Developed concept of causative agent of disease (MO cause disease) * Germ Theory of Disease – developed many microbiological techniques, media and procedures * Tuberculin – thought founded vaccine (incorrect) .. use as first step to determine if person has TB * Fanny Hesse * Worked for Robert Koch Used Agar to convert liquid brother to slid medium * Koch’s Postulates (Identifying which bacteria causes which disease) * MO must be present in every case of the disease. Every host must have the same signs and symptoms of the disease * Isolate the microorganism and grow it in pure culture outside the host * Pure culture must be inoculated into a healthy susceptible host. Experimentally infected host must exhibit the same signs and symptoms of the disease * The Microorganism must be reisolated from the experimentally infected host and shown to be identical to the original MO * Paul Ehrlich Concept chemotherapy * Syphilis – Treponema palladium * Compound 606-Salvarsan (Arsenic containing compound) * Alexander Fleming * Accidently discovered antibiotics * Antibiotics = naturally produced compounds that inhibit the growth of other MOs * Working with Staphylococcus aureus (opportunistic pathogen- must be proper conditions to cause infection) * Most antibiotics produced by bacteria, followed by fungi * Martinus Beijerinck * Concept of Viruses * Soil microorganisms-isolated the first soil MOs * Sergei Winogradsky * Sulfur metabolism by microorganisms * Concept of nitrogen fixation * Biochemical cycles Symbiotic relationships * Barbara McClintock * Transposons – cause Maize (jumping genes- genes move themselves and create different color kernals) * James Watson, Francis Crick, Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins * Structure of DNA * Molecular biology and genetics * Thomas Brock * Thermophilic microorganisms (high temperature loving microorganisms) * Thermus and Sulfolobus * Lynn Margulis * Endosymbiont Theory * Big prokaryotic cell engulfs little prokaryotic cell * Little survives insides but loses many functions (energy conversion, protein synthesis) * Little becomes mitochondria or chloroplast Eukaryotic Cell evolved * Carl B. Woese * Molecular systematic based on 16sRNA * Improved ability to identify MO * Stanley Prusinier * Discovered Prions * Protenaous Infectious Particles * Luc Montagnier * Discovered human immunodeficiency virus * Barry Marshall and Robin Warren * Causative agent of gastric & peptic ulcers * MO colonize in stomach * Disbelieved b. c stomach is so acidic and has enzymes * Antibiotics cure ulcers * Demonstrated effect pharmaceutical industry & practice of gastroenterology against 2 men
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